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Welcome to The Fourth Place: Dysphagia discussions and recipes

Updated: May 19, 2023

The Fourth Place is a website and food blog for people within and around the dysphagia community that covers all things modified foods. There is a huge online food culture with millions of resources to bring the mealtime experience home however, most of these resources are not accessible to people living with dysphagia.

The Fourth Place aims to build a food focused community that incorporates the same enthusiasm, creativity and inspiration around meals in an accessible and inclusive way to increase and maintain quality of life for people living with dysphagia.

Who am I?

I am a Melbourne based speech pathologist who over the years has diagnosed dysphagia, educated patients, rehabilitated people's swallow and managed diet and fluid recommendations among a vast population of people in a range of contexts.

Increasingly more often I have noticed my patients struggling to maintain variety in their diet, interest in their mealtime, and find the same joy, purpose and reward they used to in cooking, eating and socialising.

As someone who was raised in the kitchen with food on the brain and in the heart, I quickly found passion in the cause. I've often spent time problem solving mealtime favourites with patients so they can share meals with family or find comfort through food in a time of immense change and grief.

IDDSI Modified Recipes

My recipes have been tried and tested and are strongly guided by the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDSSI), however these are NOT official IDDSI resources, educational materials or education programs and they are NOT meant to replace materials and resources on

Although, you might find that they bring a little more light to your mealtime and hopefully inspire you to share a meal with your nearest and dearest. You might even get creative enough to modify your own favourite recipes!

Dysphagia Discussions

Given my background and ongoing work as a speech pathologist, I'm also using the blog to share my thoughts, observations and ideas around the relationship we all have with food and how dysphagia changes that relationship and impacts people's lives... oh, let me count the ways.

I'll also be looking to share some culinary tips, tricks and insights into how to take the work and mystery out of modifying foods so that you can do it for yourselves at home. Or do it for someone you know that lives with dysphagia. Teach a man to fish.. etc. etc.

The Experience

Clinically and personally, I often come across people living with dysphagia. So from time to time I'll ask them to share their experience with you straight from the horses mouth about what it was or is still like for them, how their relationship to food has changed, how else dysphagia has impacted them, and any kitchen hacks they've mastered to make life easier and keep food interesting.

The Fourth Place is looking to help educate people, expand on accessible resources and start meaningful discussions in order to raise awareness and grow a community of like minded and passionate individuals for people impacted by dysphagia.

So if any of those things sounds like something for you- subscribe on the website, follow on the socials and keep up with articles, recipes and news as The Fourth Place expands.

Get curious, get creative and get inspired ✨



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