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RECIPE: Soft and Bite Sized, Level 6- Nan's Curry

Having just highlighted the link between food and memory, this recipe always reminds me of family. It hails straight out of Bengal, from my late Nan and Aunty. Nostalgia is best served warm and with company, just like this curry 🥰

Nan's Curry- Soft and Bite Sized, Level 6
Nan's Curry- Soft and Bite Sized, Level 6

I know this makes for a long ingredient list but truly, they are some pretty readily available spices and one that can be easily used again. Once the spices are added, there's not a whole lot more to do so I promise, it's easier than it looks.

I chose to use oyster blade because after being slow cooked, it breaks apart beautifully with the side of a spoon, just like a soft and bite sized meal is meant to. It also means that it assimilates beautifully amongst the pillowy potatoes and juicy peas ☁️🫧

I like to share this meal with a serve of jasmine or long grain rice and I find that when it is mixed, the rice tends to be quite moist and combines well with the curry which may be a useful point for people who find rice difficult to manage. It's especially common for rice to stick around in the throat after swallowing when it is too dry.

For those who find a spicy kick challenging, you can always use a yoghurt based sauce or side to soften the kick or consider reducing the amount of chilli powder in the recipe 🌶️🌶️

As with most curries, the aromas of the spices tend to further develop overnight so this is a great dish to pre-prepare the day before or morning of, and reheat when needed. Or make it to eat over a few days throughout the week, it only gets better! ✨

Nan's Curry

Serves 6


4 tbsp olive oil or ghee

1kg diced oyster blade beef

2 brown onions

4 tsp garam masala

4 tsp coriander

2 tsp turmeric

4 tsp ground chilli

2 tsp ground ginger

2 tsp garlic powder

4 tsp ground cumin

3 tsp paprika

4 cups of water

750g potatoes, peeled and diced

350g peas

Salt to taste


1. Peel and dice the potatoes, and soak while preparing the other ingredients.

2. Combine all the spices in a bowl and add small amounts of water (not measured) and stir until it becomes a paste.

3. Warm the ghee or oil in the pot. Then, add the diced onions and saute until translucent, approximately 4-5 minutes.

4. Once the onions are browned, add the spice paste and stir. Allow to cook for approximately 3 minutes to let the aromas emerge.

5. Add the beef pieces and coat in the spice paste. Allow to cook for approximately 5-7 minutes and stir occasionally.

6. Add the 4 cups of water so that the meat is covered and bring to the boil. Simmer for approximately 30 minutes.

7. Add the potatoes and peas and simmer for a further 30 minutes or until the vegetables are soft.

8. Salt to taste.

Serve warm with rice, raita or a side of your choosing ✨🍚✨

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