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RECIPE: Puree, Level 4- Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

Hearty, sweet and filling. This age old classic that's not too far off it's original consistency will fill your protein needs and hit the spot, all at once 🤗 🐥🌽

Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup
Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

I often find that it's easier to find vegetables as a "naturally occurring" option on a menu in puree form than meats. Think about mashed potato, fava or broad bean puree, sweet potato mash... Meat as a naturally occurring puree tends to be less common.

Sometimes making puree out of meat can be tricky too in that there can be a risk of the meat being basic and/or unappetising. This is why presentation is so important such as moulding, sauces, colours and garnishes. Moulding is particularly impressive, although it's not what I've gone for this time, it's a good one to keep in mind.

Texture is also a huge deal. Of course we talk about the different levels of texture or consistency in the IDDSI continuum but within the level itself, it can make a huge difference whether or not there is a bit of texture, grainy or otherwise, that doesn't add to risk or difficulty but can really make the dish with an added complexity and intrigue, ultimately making it more enjoyable 😋

I've opted for a meat dish that, although maybe a more mince and/or dual consistency texture naturally, is easily modified to puree without any major changes from it's original form- just an extra zap or two with the hand blender. This allows for flexibility in being able to be either a Level 5- Minced and Moist diet or a Level 4- Puree diet, depending on the person's swallowing needs.

Being a protein dish, it means that not only is it filling but it will keep you fuller for longer as well which can be a real challenge when it comes to puree consistency foods. Especially when it's the only consistency you eat.

Initially, I was nervous about picking an asian recipe because lord knows, as tasty as they are, they can often require 1001 ingredients. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup is pretty straight forward and still allows for variation in taste preferences. I played around with the ratios of the ingredients a couple of times before I settled on this, based on the flavours I wanted to come through 🧑‍🍳

Between the consistency required for dysphagia, the texture within that consistency, and the flexibility for taste preferences, as described, it makes for the perfect opportunity to get creative in the kitchen and really curate what it is you want to create and share. You might be surprised to find that playing around a little might elevate the dish in a way you weren't expecting.

For the usual disclaimer, I love a bit of chive with my Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup to garnish and to add a splash of colour to the end product but keep in mind this is not puree and so would either have to be removed or made into a sauce for it to be consumed safely.

Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

Serves 4


1 tbsp sesame oil

2 tbsp ginger, ginger

2 cloves garlic

2 tbsp cooking wine

2 tbsp soy sauce

2 cups of chicken stock

1 chicken breast, diced

1 tin of sweet corn kernels

2 tbsp cornflour

¼ cup water

2 eggs

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat oil in a pot.

2. Saute the ginger and garlic for approximately one minute.

3. Add the wine and soy sauce and simmer gently for a few minutes.

4. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil before adding the chicken. Allow to simmer for 7-10 minutes.

5. Add the sweet corn, stir through and continue to simmer.

6. Mix the water and cornflour together in a separate bowl to create a slurry. Add the slurry to the pot and stir through. 

7. On the side, beat the eggs well before adding to the soup while stirring to create “ribbons” of egg. 

8. Salt and pepper to taste before turning off the flame. 

9. Allow the soup to cool slightly before pulsing with a hand blender to a minced or pureed consistency.

Jump on in the kitchen then. Get curious and get creative ✨


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