Eating and Drinking with Acknowledged Risk (EDAR)
Caring for People with Dysphagia
Interview: John- Landscaper/ Head and Neck Cancer Survivor
RECIPE: Liquidised- Level 3, Zabaglione
Naturally Occurring Modified Foods: Modified Foods in the Wild
RECIPE: Puree, Level 4- Rye Bread and Salmon Mousse with Dill Emulsion
The (Currently) Young and Fabulous
Natural Meat Tenderisers- Green Paw Paw and Pineapple
RECIPE: Soft and Bite Sized, Level 6- Goulash Soup
Interview: Brennan- Butcher
Meet the Meat: Types of Cuts
RECIPE: Soft and Bite Sized, Level 6- Nan's Curry
Memory, Food and the Five Senses
RECIPE: Liquidised, Level 3- Brendan and Mary's Sweet Potato Lentil Soup
Interview: Brendan- Musician/Stroke Survivor
RECIPE: Minced and Moist, Level 5- Tuna and Lemon Risotto
RECIPE: Extra Sauces and Gravies- Hummus Dip
Dips and Tricks... but mostly dips
RECIPE: Regular Easy to Chew, Level 7- Spinach and Ricotta Conchiglioni
Interview: Disenfranchised Grief- Angela, Social Worker